Choosing to Be Plastic Free

Choosing to Be Plastic Free

It’s Plastic Free July. This annual global movement urges us to be part of the solution to plastic pollution in our world. Every July, it prompts us to refuse single-use plastics. This is an easy change we can all make as individuals that becomes profound in terms of its impact when it is adopted by millions of people around the world.

Ultimately it is hoped that the actions taken during the month will help to form new lifelong habits for everyone involved - paving the way for a much happier, healthier planet.

We care deeply about the environment and our impact on the world. Just as empowering women sits at the heart of our business, so does the protection of our natural world. This is why we have worked with our partners over many years to gradually eliminate the use of plastic from our packaging and operations and introduced our own collection of plastic-free alternatives for shopping. Read on for some more detail about how we choose to be plastic-free.

Plastic Free July

A move away from plastic packaging

Traditionally our partners used plastic bags for packaging because they were the most cost-effective option and easy to source. Over time we have encouraged them to use more sustainable options and we have been proud to see them make the permanent switch recycled paper bags to wrap their products before sending them to us.

Respect for the Environment is one of the 10 Principles of Fair Trade. Our producer groups are therefore asked by Fair Trade associations to give priority to locally-sourced, natural materials and use recycled or easily biodegradable materials for packing wherever possible.

Plastic-free shopping bags

Single-use plastics are gradually being phased out across the world, but we still have a long way to go. Our collection of durable jute and hemp totes and shoppers was developed with food and market shopping in mind. They are a natural, long-lasting alternative to plastic or single-use shopping bags.

Sustainable parcels

We have proudly used recycled cardboard boxes to send orders to our customers for more than 15 years. While this means that orders might arrive looking a little-less-fancy than other parcels you receive, rest assured it will be both sustainable and safe. We also use compostable satchels to replace plastic satchels wherever possible. 



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